Thursday, September 13, 2007

Yet Another Sign of the Apocalypse

Finally an enemy that Jack Bauer may be powerless against, though he will still fight it (reportedly in season 7)

Experts, say that Southern California could be in the 8th year of what could turn out to be a perfect drought, one that lasts a century or more.

2007 will go down on the books as Southern California's driest year in recorded history. Fires raged out of control. Millions of dollars were lost as California crops shrivel in the searing sun. And the Eastern Sierras, where L.A. gets most of its water, marked its second lowest snowpack on record.
(skipping ahead)

Government forecasters with NOAA have announced they believe another La Nina is on the way. That weather phenomenon is a periodic cooling of surface temperatures in the Pacific that's expected to bring drier-than-normal conditions this fall to an already drought-stricken Southern California

Awesome and apparently this year some parts of So Cal got less rainfall than Death Valley. According to these experts, climate change is among the culprits.(Though maybe that global warming will actually be good then, you know if ocean levels rise at least we'll have some water.) At least this news makes me feel a little better that all my plants are dying and my backyard is looking more and more like a desert every day.

But there is something that we can do about it, though it wouldn't benefit us, but think of future generations. As the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement (of which I was at first an unknowing member) says "Phasing out the human race by voluntarily ceasing to breed will allow Earth's biosphere to return to good health. Crowded conditions and resource shortages will improve as we become less dense." They make a very strong case. I've always thought it was the breeders who were destroying the world. But before you think them a fringe or nutjob group think of the bestselling "The World Without Us" which takes a more moderate approach than VHEMT, the author suggests that we cut the birth rate to one child per couple for a few generations. According to his theory, as summarized by Slate, "The population would dwindle by about 5 billion people over the next century, he says, ensuring the habitability of the Earth for the 1.6 billion who remained. At that point, they could all reap the rewards of a more spacious planet." (Ah just think how wonderful the world would be then. All that space. It'd be so much better than today.) It's either that are we going to eventually reach our carrying capacity and then the dying off will be a lot less pleasant. So let's do it, become masters of the fate of our world, do it for the child(ren)! One or two of them may be the future.

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