Friday, September 7, 2007

The Best Opening Line to a News Story. Ever.

If I ever write for the AP I'm going to do this kind of thing all the time. From an article entitled Bush Has Bad Day at Sydney Opera House:

This may not mean much, if anything to you but....
That is awesome! Not simply for the fact the Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day (you need to have this book for your kids) was one of my favorite books growing up (and I can watch an adaption online-sweet), but anytime you can incorporate obscure pop culture jabs at the President (including having the real story be located where the protagonist in the work of fiction wants to escape to), especially when you basically equate Gweeb with a 7 year old kid is amazing. Brilliant! I didn't even read the rest of the article because I'm sure it would be boring and a let down. But bravo Tom Raum. Let's make out.

(and in quick additional Gweeb ownage the new DSCC slogan for 2008 has been released. What is it? "Sorry W, I'm The Decider". nice.)

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