Wednesday, September 5, 2007

If You Were Keeping Score at Home

Mike Nifong the man, and UNC alum, whose naked ambition was most responsible for this only got a day in jail. Paris Hilton, as you might remember was sentenced to 45 days, served 23 and suffered the hatred of the millions when she was transferred to home arrest after 5 days in jail. And she didn't ruin 4 families lives, the reputation of a city and a University or cost me a 2006 Lacrosse title.
In case you were wondering. About justice or whatever...
It's alright though, his life is fucked and everywhere around the country his name is synonymous with

(he's an asshole)

(just something I remember; before all of that mess broke I remember walking to Brightleaf or the Joyce and passing his campaign signs in the grass and always assumed with a last name like Nifong he was asian. I think that fact still confuses me a little.

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