Friday, November 16, 2007

The WGA Strike: Day 12 of...

I'm a little torn. So last night I was absolutely exhausted by was trying to stay awake for 30 Rock and The Office. I made it through 30 Rock but must have passed out before The Office because I woke up at like 9:26 very confused. So I know it won't really matter if I watch it online, but I vowed not to watch any "promotion" online in support of the writers and I really wanna see what may be the last Office for awhile.
Principles vs. PB and J.
While I debate this moral quandary here are a few videos about the strike
This was from the Saturday before the Strike hit but it's still hilarious and it has Raheem, I mean Fred Armisen. (good luck on the Amazing Race!)

Here's Joni and Susanna on the Picket Line

from the Picket line in New York it's "The Not Daily Show"

Finally as a counterpoint we have a "Very successful entertainment executive, who is also quite young for his position, on why scribes' strike is asinine."(from a Colbert Report writer)

And what's so weird is that I think last night I saw an ad for some show with blonde Rachel formerly of the Daily Show premiering on the 26th. Midseason replacements in November. Awesome.
but it's not all doom and gloom. while I was waiting yesterday I read an article in the New York Times Business section about how the strike can "serve as a second chance" for some shows-like Friday Night Lights!!-because, as the article says

"very soon the networks will begin running low on original scripted episodes of shows. Any new episode will become an increasingly valuable commodity. No network is going to waste bought-and-paid-for episodes. So the marginal shows will stay on until their episodes run out, which, in most cases, will mean sometime between now and the end of January...

In other seasons some shows like these, which have teetered on the ratings fence, might have been temporarily shelved or yanked off the air. Now, as Mr. Beckman noted, “they’re just going to be allowed to play out.” And as another senior network program executive put it, “We’re going to get a little extra look at some of these shows, and maybe they’ll help themselves.”

A show like “Friday Night Lights,” for instance, with its high critical praise and low ratings, could get a chance to break through in January, when it is likely to be among the few fall series with some new episodes left; the show started production early and managed to complete 15 episodes before the strike."

So if you're bored and are sick of watching reality shows just remember Friday Night Lights- it is amazing. (and if you can't do it for the show do it for Riggins and Saracen- i enjoy them.)

[UPDATE: I caved and watched The Office and that really was a "wow" terrific and tremendous episode. Damn near brilliant.]

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