Monday, July 30, 2007

Political Porno (now with semi pornographic content)

These are just a few random links that I've come across. And I don't know how I feel about knowing Political Porno is a relatively common term- I really thought it was something I came up with. Yeah, I was wrong. Anyway on with the (peep)show:

  • Recently discovered e-mails have shown that the RNC officials, including one of Karl Rove's assistants, conspired to suppress minority votes in 5 states during the 2004 election. And of course none of us are surprised, though I'm sure Lee Atwater would be quite pleased, bastard.
  • Speaking of dicks, vandals in Idaho have either shown their disdain and distaste for their governor, or are just really into cock jokes. (via wonkette)
  • The New York Times attained 30 some letters written by Hillary Clinton during her college years to a platonic friend and as I was reading them, or at least the excerpts, I was struck by how smart, in that emerging college intellect way, she was and also by how full of doubt and turmoil and questions, aka pretty much like everyone who lives through that age is. And though her commencement speech was remarkable (and apparently spontaneous) and showed evidence of her skills, it was still really good to see how normal she was and that she is a real persona and not some political automaton and they make me like her even more, but also how I fear some of my own letters that I have been writing seem similar and how I should probably have my pen pals form some sort of secrecy pact. (and I'm not sure if that paragraph made sense at all)
  • You know how Taryn Southern expressed her sapphic feelings towards Hillary?(how could you forget.) Well everyone's favorite libertarian posing as a Republican has garnered some LGBT support of his own, in the form of this policy orientated and well researched video

They must really be against a constitutional marriage amendment

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