Thursday, December 6, 2007

Kid Nation-I Want Alex

I kinda really want to kidnap him. I mean he's soooo cute,he wears those shaded glasses, has that one big tooth in the front of his mouth, talks about things like futures and carbon dating, is half asian,totally confused everyone when he recieved his star, is so adorable and soo small I just want to hug him and hold him (and maybe transport him in a duffel bag)

I''m really glad they had an episode that focused on him- he's always been one of my favorites. But you know what was weird was that they are still spotlighting kids that you've never seen before, like Migle who I'm sure is a great girl and all (despite the unfortunateness of her name and the fact I don't know how to pronounce) but I would think at this point the producers would just dance with the ones who brung 'em. Though to be honest if I sent my kid away to be on some controversial reality show and then didn't have my kid seen on camera or talked to even once I would be quite pissed, so I think the producers may either release a dvd of deleted children, or maybe even better to have a compilation for each family of footage that focuses on their kid.
I was also absolutely shocked that Sophia actually was a kid last night and was swayed by the mob for the immediate enjoyment of the hot air balloons over the plaque (the one that choked up my absolute favorite Laurel) though I feel like the plaque will be left there anyway- I mean CBS already made it and why would they want to lug it back.

Not gonna lie before last night's episode I was really smelling a dramatic redemptive arc where Taylor who had been so vilified, justifiably so, would at the end change her ways and impress the council so much where she would get one of the last gold stars, and it could happen though that seems quite unlikely for the last episode, especially considering the number of good quiet kids who haven't gotten a gold star (but of course haven't really added much to the awesome wtfness of the show) I hope everyone in the town gets some type of gold star, even if it's smaller, just to have something to show. It seems only right.

Oh and speaking of gold stars everyone should hold onto them- gold is always rising in value. (I learned that from Alex- he's soooo cute.)

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