Friday, December 21, 2007

Young Zac Efron; Just As Gay as Older Zach Efron

Yet another reason why I heart hulu; so last night as has become my new custom (because I refuse to watch Duel…anymore) I was watching Firefly and the episode I happened to be up, Safe, at the very beginning had a flashback concerning Simon the Doctor and his “troubled” sister River showing when they were young. And while I was watching them I almost immediately noticed that young Simon was none other Zac Efron

According to IMDb it was his first ever filmed role (so it has that going for it) but yeah even back then, even without the singing and dancing and rampant “metrosexuality” Zac Efron was so totally gay. (if he had a “dedicated source box” I’m sure he’s use it for gay porn) I think it’s his smile or that twinkle in his eye.
Another thought-I read somewhere that like 60 percent of girls under like 14 have a poster of Zac Efron on their wall so the question is ; is Zach Efron raising a nation of "fag hags"?
Only time will tell, but my answer is...yes.

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