I don't know where this song came from, but when I woke up this morning I was singing it.It's Mmmm Mmmm by the Crash Test Dummies and I hadn't thought about or heard this song in maybe like 12 years so I don't know what sparked it but I had to download it this morning. I do remember when this song came out when I was like 10 and my class took some trains to Arizona for a field trip and some friends and I would try to get our voices low enough to sing this song, because it seems like the only pop song, outside of Barry White to become a top 5 hit with a voice so deep. And I was thinking about ti and though I hadn't heard this song in years I think I still remembered the characters and their plights, perhaps it struck me at a vulnerable influential age (what do 10 year olds listen to today like Hannah Montana? and I was listening to songs about childhood ostracization and isolation and...maybe that's why I'm as screwed up as I am) and even though it is about being different I don't think I consciously related to it in terms of my transsexuality (I was 10; I'm not sure what I knew back then) So anyway here are the lyrics that tell of three different stories
Once there was this kid who
Got into an accident and couldn't come to school
But when he finally came back
His hair had turned from black into bright white
He said that it was from when
The cars had smashed so hard
Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm
Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm
Once there was this girl who
Wouldn't go and change with the girls in the change room
But when they finally made her
They saw birth marks all over her body
She couldn't quite explain it
They'd always just been there
Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm
Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm
Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm
Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm
But both girl and boy were glad
'Cause one kid had it worse than that
Then there was this boy whose
Parents made him come directly home right after school
And they went, they went to their church
They shook and lurched all over the church floor
He couldn't quite explain it
They'd always just gone there
Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm
Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm
Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm
Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm
aaa-aaa aaa-a-a-aaa
I really have a feeling I liked it back then just because of the chorus. Anyway here it is, the video that I saw for the first time in years today for Your Stuck in My Head Song of The Day- Mmmmm Mmmmmm Mmmmmm Mmmm by the Crash Test Dummies (and there were a few more easily accesible versions of this video but they were, for some reason all in black and white and I remembered it being in color so here's that version)
Crash Test Dummies- Mmmmm Mmmmmm Mmmm Mmmm [download] buy it on iTunes

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