Thursday, December 6, 2007

Bonus! When Ads Go Bad

And on the other end of the pectrum from that last commercial, which I had never seen before, am not sure what it is advertising and find delightful comes the Beyonce Direct TV commercial that, in order not to be alone in my misery, I really hope other people have found as annoying as I have.
Sure the first time I saw it I was like " " okay maybe I didn't really have any thoughts but now after seeing it approximately 50,000 times in what seems like the last month alone it is really like "enough!" followed by a mad rush to change the channel.
But in the early days of this commercial, about times 3,000 to 5,000 what I did find amusing was a half second in the commercial near the front end. Beyonce is talking to the camera while dancing at about 7 seconds. However the split second she stops and goes into her more frenetic dance at about 10 or 11 seconds her face just totally changes and she gets a look of such intensity, seriousness and focus when she starts pumping her fists (kinda akwardly) to her right.

You may be able to see it better with this one. It's only for a fraction of a second but I know it's there. Or at least I hope it's there, otherwise I will have gained no amount of joy or mirth from those thousands of seconds added together except for that damn whistle and jingle rattling around my brain.

For the last time Beyonce I will not "let'chu let'chu upgrade me (grade me)"
I knew there was a reason I've always preferred Kelly

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