Thursday, December 6, 2007

I Think I May Have A Type

this isn't really a TMI because it's not really that interesting or lurid and I'm not going into any depth but I think yesterday I realized or at least acknowledged something.
I was on Swampland and watching one of Ana Marie Cox's (the founder of Wonkette who I really love and miss because Wonkette sorta want downhill after her) video logs when I realized that I was like smiling through the whole thing. And then I understood that it was because she looks exactly like Hubby , my love who I haven't seen in 7 months and won't see again (most likely) for another 20. I mean I'm sure if I were to tell her that and send her a picture she would laugh it off and deny it because people have a different view of themselves, but I don't know, seeing Ana she kinda served as a surrogate in a way.
Anyway that understanding was compounded be my continual inability to look at Elizabeth Kucinich without a smile creeping on my face subconsciously, for the same reason; that she looks so much like Hubby, and seems personality wise to be so similar to her that it makes me really happy. And reading the story in WaPo about her and Dennis...well, it almost made me tear up a little.
Both of those facts lead me to have to think about the fact that they are both pale red heads and I don't know if I'm drawn or fascinated by them because they remind me of someone special or if Hubby is special because she fits the mold (I have to lean towards the former.) I mean I've always thought Marcia Cross and Kate Walsh are just stunningly beautiful so I don't know.
I mean it's not sexual at all, even if I wasn't so asexual I don't think I'm a lesbian (at least not physically- spiritually maybe) and I don't think of any of them as sexual but rather it's like a classical beauty that is to be admired. And that is a horrible way to put it and a way that doesn't make any sense, which is fitting because I don't even now what I'm trying to say anymore.
let's move on....cajun style

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