Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Blowin' My Mind

White Holes.
I don't know how I came upon the subject, I think it was mentioned in some article I can no longer find, but as I tend to do on subjects that I don't understand I used the wonderfulness of google. I came upon this video on youtube, because I think I'm a visual learner sometimes (when I'm lazy), of asteroids being drawn to a smaller high gravity white hole

but that really didn't answer any of my questions so I went to good ol' wikipedia

In astrophysics, a white hole is the time reversal of a black hole. While a black hole acts as an absorber for any matter that crosses the event horizon, a white hole acts as a source that ejects matter from its event horizon. The sign of the acceleration is invariant under time reversal, so both black and white holes attract matter.

I then checked out this site on Wormholes and White Holes that was a little more technical but more substantive. It read, in part

White Holes are the theoretical exact opposite of black holes, and their existence is implied by a negative square root solution to the Schwarzchild metric. The Schwarzchild metric is based on General Relativity, which is time symmetric. This means that the most technical definition of white hole is simply a black hole running backwards in time. It is a location in space time that, instead of being impossible to escape, is impossible to reach.

Under the definition given by the solution to this equation they repel everything, including massive particles as well as photons, nothing can enter them. We have never discovered a white hole, and given these properties we believe that they would be rather difficult to miss. Furthermore, an object that acts in this manner directly violates the second law of thermodynamics which states that heat naturally flows from a region of high temperature to a region of low temperature.

This, however, only applies to our universe. The same equations that suggest the existence of white holes also seem to imply that they exist in a universe parallel to our own, and would exist connected to a black hole by way of a worm hole in order to complete the Schwarzchild geometry suggested by the equation which predicted the existence of black holes. This worm hole joining 2 separate universes is known as the Einstein-Rosen bridge and is one of the most fascinating concepts in theoretical physics.

Sister, you ain’t lying.

And this just totally made my mind go empty with fullness

A more recently proposed view of black holes might be interpreted as shedding some light on the nature of classical white holes. Some researchers proposed that when a black hole forms, a big bang occurs at the core which creates a new universe that expands into extra dimensions outside of the parent universe

Damn I really wish I was smarter. I can't wrap my mind around it.
The Universe is just so.................................................................................

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