Monday, December 10, 2007

Giotto Was a Hack

A courtier from Pope Benedict IX told Giotto that the Pope wanted to make use of his services and asked him for a drawing which he could send to his holiness.Giotto, who was a man of courteous manners,immediately took a sheet of paper, and with a pen dipped in red, fixing his arm firmly against his side to make a compass of it, with a turn of his hand he made a circle so perfect that it was a marvel to see it Having done it, he turned smiling to the courtier and said, "Here is the drawing.". But he, thinking he was being laughed at, asked, "Am I to have no other drawing than this?" "This is enough and too much," replied Giotto, "send it with the others and see if it will be understood." The messenger, seeing that he could get nothing else, departed ill pleased, not doubting that he had been made a fool of. However, sending the other drawings to the Pope with the names of those who had made them, he sent also Giotto's, relating how he had made the circle without moving his arm and without compasses, which when the Pope and many of his courtiers understood, they saw that Giotto must surpass greatly all the other painters of his time.

-Giorgio Vasari "Life of Giotto"
pssh; I'm no longer impressed. I mean here's "Alexander Overwijk [who] draws a perfect freehand circle 1m in diameter in less than a second."

Here was another video I couldn't help but share just because I thought to myself there's no way it could actually be real. It's called The Machine Girl and it looks like a cross between Rose McGowan from Death Proof/Kill Bill and a fem bot. AKA a teenage boy's fantasy

So far up Tarantino's alley it's resting on his doorstep. A Drill Bra? I'm sensing a soon to be cult classic. But so much blood-Lady Macbeth would throw a fit.

and I really didn't want to post this video but here it is because I really wanted to say something like "I haven't seen this many balls since Fleet Week"-seriously who can resist a joke that easy?

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