Thursday, January 3, 2008

Late Night, Alright

when I first thought of that title I really thought it had to have come from somewhere, somewhere being like bad pop music of the late 70s early 80s, Lionel Richie-esque but oddly enough it wasn't.
Anyway as you know Jay Leno, David Letterman and Conan all "came back to work" alst night with their late night whatevs and from what I can tell there weren't any trainwrecks or breakdowns, but have a look for yourself:
Here’s Conan’s monologue (love the beard, like seriously)

Jay Leno’s Monolgue (minus a beard-guess it would be too horrifying on The Chin) and it was actually funny, I mean it’s no Colbert but it is like Leno funny, so it has that going for him

Letterman’s Monologue

and his Top 10 (and I really didn’t notice a drop off in funny with this, though I’ve never found Letterman’s Top 10 funny, except for an occasional #2, but this one was pretty good)

The "Late Show" Top 10 Demands of the Striking Writers (as seen on the show Wednesday night):

10. From "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart," Tim Carvell: "Complimentary tote bag with next insulting contract offer."

9. From "The Colbert Report," Laura Krafft: "No rollbacks in health benefits, so I can treat the hypothermia I caught on the picket lines."

8. Daytime television writer, Melissa Salmons: "Full salary and benefits for my imaginary writing partner, Lester."

7. From "Law & Order: Criminal Intent," Warren Leight: "Members of the AMPTP must explain what the hell AMPTP stands for."

6. From "The Colbert Report," Jay Katsir: "No disciplinary action taken against any writer caught having inappropriate relationship with a copier."

5. From "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart," Steve Bodow: "I’d like a date with a woman."

4. Writer and director, Nora Ephron: "Hazard pay for breaking up fights on ‘The View.’"

3. From "Law & Order," Gina Gionfriddo: "I’m no accountant, but instead of us getting 4 cents for a $20 DVD, how about we get $20 for a 4-cent DVD?"

2. From "Late Night with Conan O’Brien," Chris Albers: "I don’t have a joke – I just want to remind everyone that we’re on strike, so none of us are responsible for this lame list."

1. Thurber Award-winning author, Alan Zwiebel: "Producers must immediately remove their heads from their asses."

And for those of you keeping track at home Conan looks like a young Kris Kringle and Dave looks like Kenny Rogers with their beards
[UPDATE: Jimmy Kimmel was back on last night as well and is a little angry

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