Thursday, June 28, 2007

I may be a bit of a wimp...

This morning I was watering some plants in my backyard, per usual, when a hummingbird appeared. I was really excited because hummingbirds are cute and are the only birds I really tolerate. But after a bit I pay it no mind. Then as I move around the yard with my house this hummingbird keeps following me. I stand as still as I can just to see how close it would come before it freaked out. But it didn't freak out it kept coming and all I saw in my mind was
All I could think of was The Birds and how if birds really were beginning the war then what more innocent seeming assasins to send thn hummingbirds, before the inevitable full on assault?

Yeah so I'm quite ashamed to admit it but I jumped first. I played chicken with a hummingbird. And lost!
Eventually I realized that, like I thought, the hummingbird was attracted to the running water, but I will always believe what I saw, including that homicidal glint in her eyes.

Hummingbird is still one of my favorite songs though.

Wilco- Hummingbird (mp3)

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