Sunday, July 1, 2007

One of these things is just like the Other

I hadn't really planned on posting today (you know, enjoying the summer, having a life) but I came across the trailer for Will Smith's new movie I Am Legend

Looks pretty cool , but when I read the plot outline and saw Will Smith driving through a deserted town it reminded me of something else, something that in high school I used in a video to satirize Charlton Heston for being president of the NRA. It's called The Omega Man

Hmm.. a few similarities (especially if you forget about old B-movie trailers giving away way too much of the plot) Substitute zombies with vampires and you have I Am Legend I don't know if its a remake but if it were I would have liked them to keep the old name. I don't like movie titles with personal pronouns, seems a bit pompous (shouldn't other people be the ones to decide if you are legend.) Plus Omega Man is kind of bad ass (though it may conjure up memories of recent horrible christian B-movies)

I'll probably see it though- but I will miss Heston's camp and overacting.

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